Retrodeep CLI

Learn more about the Retrodeep CLI

The Retrodeep CLI allows you to interact with Retrodeep directly from your terminal. The retrodeep command can be used to do a wide array of functions and can be used from either the dir of the project or by providing a dir path.

What can it do?

The Retrodeep CLI can be used to:

  • Deploy Applications: Quickly deploy your projects directly from your local directories or via repository links with minimal setup.

  • Streamline Development: Use the dev command to run your projects locally, simplifying testing and debugging before deployment.

  • View Logs: Easily access detailed logs for your deployments to monitor their performance and troubleshoot issues in real-time.

  • Manage Projects: Create, list, and delete your projects within Retrodeep. This includes viewing all deployments linked to a specific project.

  • Control Deployments: Manage and remove deployments directly from the CLI, giving you full control over your live applications.

  • Authenticate Seamlessly: Securely log in and out of your Retrodeep account using GitHub OAuth for a streamlined authentication process.

  • Interactive Help: Access detailed command descriptions and usage guidelines directly through the CLI to help you navigate and utilize its full potential.

Last updated