
Sign in to Retrodeep CLI


To streamline your experience with RetroDeep CLI, we've implemented a simple authentication process that integrates directly with GitHub. This section will guide you through logging into your RetroDeep account using the retrodeep login command. To authenticate with the RetroDeep CLI, simply run the following command in your terminal:

retrodeep login

Executing this command initiates the authentication process via GitHub OAuth, the current sole method of authentication for RetroDeep. Once you enter the command, your default web browser will open and prompt you to authorize the RetroDeep CLI to access your GitHub account.

Authentication Methods

As of now, RetroDeep supports the following authentication method:

  • GitHub OAuth: Securely log in with your GitHub account to start using RetroDeep services.

We are working on adding more authentication options to provide you with a flexible and convenient way to log in. Stay tuned for updates on additional authentication methods.

Confirm login and Identity

The retrodeep whoami command is a quick and easy way to confirm the identity of the user currently logged into the RetroDeep CLI. This command is particularly useful in environments where multiple users might access the same development system or when you need to verify that the correct GitHub OAuth credentials are being used.

retrodeep whoami

When executed, this command displays the username of the user currently authenticated. This helps in ensuring that operations performed via the CLI are attributed to the correct user account, which is crucial for teams with multiple developers or for those who manage multiple RetroDeep accounts.

By integrating the retrodeep whoami command into your regular workflow, you maintain greater control and visibility over who is executing commands and managing projects within the RetroDeep ecosystem.

Logging Out

When you're done with your work, or if you need to switch accounts, logging out is just as straightforward using retrodeep logout.

To authenticate with the RetroDeep CLI, simply run the following command in your terminal:

retrodeep logout

In case you need assistance with the login or logout process, you can always invoke the help command for more detailed instructions:

retrodeep login help

Last updated