
The retrodeep dev command spins up a local development server, allowing you to test and develop your project in an environment similar to Retrodeep's production servers.


To start the development server for your project, you can run:

retrodeep dev

This command will serve the current directory on a local server. If you need to serve a different directory or specify a port, you can use the additional flags provided.

Specifying a Custom Directory

To start a development server with a custom directory path:

retrodeep dev --dir /path/to/your/project

Specifying a Custom Port

By default, retrodeep dev serves your application on port 3000. To specify a different port, use the -p or --port option:

retrodeep dev --port 5000

This will start the development server on port 5000.

Interactive Development

While the retrodeep dev server is running, any changes made to your project files will automatically be reloaded in the development server, providing a real-time development experience.

Available Options

  • -p, --port <port> - Specify a custom port to listen on.

  • -d, --dir <dir_path> - Specify a custom directory path for the server to serve.

  • -h, --help - Display help information for the dev command.

Last updated